The company was established on September 18, 2007, Hezhang County is committed to the development of tourism and cultural industry, a wholly state-owned enterprise.

News Center

The company was established on September 18, 2007, Hezhang County is committed to the development of tourism and cultural industry, a wholly state-owned enterprise.

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News Center

Announcement on the Suspension of the Opening of Nine Water Temperature and Spring Water Paradise Scenic Spots


Due to line maintenance, the scenic spot of Jiuquan Water Temperature Spring Water Park will be closed from now on and will be opened separately.

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Announcement on Shutdown of Sightseeing Cars in Asilisi Jiucaiping Scenic Area

Announcement on Shutdown of Sightseeing Cars in Asilisi Jiucaiping Scenic Area


Due to the recent rainy weather, the road of sightseeing bus in Asirisi Jiucaiping scenic spot was damaged. From June 12th to 20th, the sightseeing bus road will be repaired. During this period, the sightseeing bus cannot operate, and the cableway will operate normally. If it causes inconvenience to tourists, please understand! hereby announce Guizhou Province Asirisi Tourism Development Co., Ltd. June 11, 2021

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Announcement on Suspension of Opening of Jiuquan Water Temperature Spring Water Park Scenic Area


Nine shares of water temperature spring water park will carry out equipment maintenance from November 5, 2020. During the equipment maintenance period, the scenic spot will be closed to the public, and the opening time will be notified separately.

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