The company was established on September 18, 2007, Hezhang County is committed to the development of tourism and cultural industry, a wholly state-owned enterprise.

Scenic Spots

The company was established on September 18, 2007, Hezhang County is committed to the development of tourism and cultural industry, a wholly state-owned enterprise.

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Leek Ping Scenic Area

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Leek Ping Scenic Area

Asilixi Jiucaiping Scenic Area in Guizhou Province, also known as Da Jiucaiping Scenic Area, is located at the junction of Xingfa Township, Shuitangbao Township, and Baiguo Town in the southwest of Hezhang County, Guizhou Province. It is about 30 kilometers away from the exit of Hezhang Station on Biwei Expressway. It is about 5 kilometers away from the exit of Jiucaiping Station on Heliu Expressway. The altitude is between 2300 meters and 2777 meters, and the main peak is 2777 meters above sea level, which is the fifth highest peak in Guizhou. The scenic spot covers an area of 80 square kilometers and was awarded the national 4A tourist attraction in August 2017. With more than 100000 mu of plateau platform covered with wild leeks as the main body, the scenic spot is the largest contiguous wild leek flower belt in the world, and it is the only wild leek flower reserve in China. It is known as "Chinese wild leek-the hometown of many stars". It has high scientific research value and aesthetic value, and is known as "the sapphire of the earth, Provence of the East". Jiucaiping scenic spot is also a typical representative of "mountain park province · colorful Guizhou style" and an important part of "Dongtianfudi · Huahai Bijie. Scenic spot tickets: 45 yuan/person Cable car round trip: 80 yuan/person Sightseeing bus round trip: 50 yuan/person Tel: 0857-3227089


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