The company was established on September 18, 2007, Hezhang County is committed to the development of tourism and cultural industry, a wholly state-owned enterprise.

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The company was established on September 18, 2007, Hezhang County is committed to the development of tourism and cultural industry, a wholly state-owned enterprise.

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Announcement on Operation Adjustment of West Jiucaiping Scenic Spot in Asiri



Dear friends of tourists:
Hello! Thank you for your attention and love for the scenic spot of Jiucaiping in Asiri. Due to the sharp increase in the number of tourists in the scenic spot and the maintenance of sightseeing bus roads in the scenic spot, in order to create a safe and comfortable sightseeing environment for the vast number of tourists and friends, the scenic spot will make the following operational adjustments from August 10, 2024:
The 1. implements online booking (major OTA, tremolo and other platforms). Among them, the Dongmen service area has a limited daily booking of 5000 people (3000 people for cableways and 2000 people for sightseeing buses) and the Ximen service area has a limited daily booking of 2000 people. Please arrange your trip reasonably.
2., due to the maintenance of sightseeing bus roads, in order to ensure the normal sightseeing of tourists and friends in the scenic spot, starting from August 10, 2024, the scenic spot will move the sightseeing bus turning station forward to the big rock cave in the scenic spot. Tourists need to walk 629 meters to reach the entrance of the trail (485 ladder of the trail). During this period, the ticket price of Dongmen sightseeing bus will be reduced by 20% (one-way 20 yuan/person, round-trip 40 yuan/person). After the road maintenance is completed, the normal ticket price will be restored (one-way 25 yuan/person, round-trip 50 yuan/person).
Please pay close attention to the official website ( of Guizhou Asirisi Tourism Development Co., Ltd., the public number of Asirisi Tourism Area or call the scenic spot service hotline (0857-3227089). Thank you for your attention and support to the scenic spot of Jiucaiping in the west of Asiri, which brings you inconvenience, please understand!
It is hereby announced!


Guizhou Roof Ridge Jiucaiping Tourism Development Co., Ltd.
August 10, 2024

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