The company was established on September 18, 2007, Hezhang County is committed to the development of tourism and cultural industry, a wholly state-owned enterprise.

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The company was established on September 18, 2007, Hezhang County is committed to the development of tourism and cultural industry, a wholly state-owned enterprise.

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Announcement on the Sale of Sunrise Tickets in West Jiucaiping Scenic Area of Asiri



Travel agencies, tour guides, tourists friends:

Sunrise tickets for the East Gate Service Area of Jiucaiping in Asiri West will be officially open for presale from August 3, 2024 to October 8, 2024; during the presale period, sunrise tickets must be booked at the East Gate Visitor Center one day in advance, with a daily limit of 350 tickets presale.

Warm Tips:

1. If no one has reserved the sunrise ticket, the operation of the sunrise ticket will be stopped the next day;

2. If the daily ticket presale is between 1 and 50, the scenic spot operates sightseeing buses, and the pre-sale tickets reach more than 50, the scenic spot operates cableways according to weather conditions;

3. The reservation time for the sunrise ticket is the day before the sunrise, and the reservation time is 8:00-17:00 during the normal opening time of the scenic spot. Daily sunrise time is 5:00-7:59;

4. The scenic spots are mostly mountain plateau climate, and the weather is changeable. Please check the weather forecast in advance and keep warm;

5. presale sunrise tickets will not be refunded once sold.

6. If you have any questions, please call 0857-3227089.

hereby announce


Guizhou Roof Ridge Jiucaiping Tourism Development Co., Ltd.
August 2, 2024

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