The company was established on September 18, 2007, Hezhang County is committed to the development of tourism and cultural industry, a wholly state-owned enterprise.

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The company was established on September 18, 2007, Hezhang County is committed to the development of tourism and cultural industry, a wholly state-owned enterprise.

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Announcement on Temporary Traffic Control of Ertaipo Scenic Area in Asiri West



Dear visitors and driver friends:

Due to the increase in the number of tourists in the Ertaipo scenic spot in Asirixi, the parking lot is saturated, and the roads entering the scenic spot are congested. In order to ensure the safety and smooth flow of road traffic, it is decided to implement temporary traffic control on the roads entering the scenic spot.

Tourists and drivers are invited to adjust their routes and travel at the wrong peak. They can choose to visit the scenic spot of Asiri West Jiucaiping. If this brings you inconvenience, please understand!

hereby announce


Guizhou Province Asirisi Tourism Development Co., Ltd.

July 20, 2024

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